Surround Show
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Multi Projector

Projection Mapping

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Virtual Sets

Surround Shows

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Haunted Houses

Ghostly Apparitions

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Christmas Drive Thru

Digital Decorations

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Surround Show

Projection Mapping for Multi-Projector Shows

No 'After Effects', No Computers, No Cables

Digital decorate your haunted house, Christmas attraction, theme park, whole house, or entire cul-de-sac.

Create engaging digital sets for you theater company's productions, or energize your wedding or music venue.


Surround Show is projection mapping using videos, audio, gifs, and images. Shows can be displayed across multiple projectors, with no need for computers and cables.

Put a Google TV stick in the HDMI port, and do the whole cul de sac, entire haunted house, or full theater stage.

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Your show will be the highlight

Whether its your haunted house, or Christmas decorating, Surround Show and you will make the celebration amazing.

What a great way to make great memories with family and friends!

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Virtual Sets

Your show will be the talk of the town

You can make your production shine.

No need to construct extravagant sets, when you'll be able to make amazing panoramas!


Surround Show for your haunted house

Using a projector in a haunted house can be a great way to create spooky and immersive visual effects. Here are three possible ways to use a projector in a haunted house:

Create Ghostly Apparitions: You can use a projector to project ghostly images onto a wall, a sheet, or even a smoke screen. There are many pre-made digital projections available for purchase online that you can use, or you can create your own using a photo or video editing software.

Add Ambient Lighting: Another great way to use a projector in a haunted house is to use it to project eerie lighting effects onto the walls or floors. This can be done by using a colored gel or slide to cover the projector lens or by using a video file that has been specifically designed for this purpose.

Create a Horror Movie Experience: You can also use a projector to play horror movies or short clips on a large screen or wall. This can add an extra layer of suspense and fright to your haunted house experience. Make sure to choose movies or clips that are appropriate for your audience and that fit the theme of your haunted house.

What is the Surround Show Tech ?

You put an Google TV stick into the projector HDMI port.  It is connected to wifi. You download the Homeshow Screen app.

Multiple projectors can be snyced, so that the entire culdesac, or haunt, or Christmas drive thru can participate in the show.

Images and videos are defined as effects for a panel(garage door, window, column, etc), and Panels can be lined up by standing in front and moving/calibrating them with your phone.

One person can make a scene,and another customer can line it up on their house and play it.

The scenes uses images, gifs, and streamed YouTube videos coming over wifi.

People can make multi/single projector scenes and put them in the marketplace for others to purchase.

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No. Mapping is done by laying out panels. Panels are given assets like images, videos, colors, or gifs. The panels are lined up using a phone when the projector is out side and on. No computers or cables are needed.
Yes. It works by putting a Google TV stick in the HDMI port and connect to wifi.
As many as needed. All are connected thru wifi and synchronized.
Surround Show is a software service product, but we do sell certain projectors for some setups, and recommend others.
Yes. There is a marketplace where creators can sell their created shows.


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Surround Show